Are you drowning in payday loans? Do you feel like there no light at the end of the tunnel? Are you having trouble sleeping at night?
The Davis Law Firm can help you! Payday loans (aka cash advance loans; check advance loans and/or deferred deposit check loans) are a horrible trap to fall into. The interest rate they charge you is outrageous. Payday loan companies prey on people who have fallen on tough times. We can help you stop the payday loans from collecting against you.
We can help you take back control of your life, get a peace of mind and reduce your stress. You have rights and protection under the law. Contact our office for a free initial meeting to discuss your case. There is no shame in getting free sound confidential legal advice. Once you have scheduled your appointment with our office, please click on this initial interview questionnaire, fill it out to the best of your ability, and please bring it with you to the initial meeting at our office. Call us at 210-444-4444, we’ve got your back!!
To learn more about how we can fight for your interests and your future, please contact our law offices today for a free initial consultation.
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